“Discover How to Overcome Your Hip Replacement in Just Minutes without Expensive Appointments, or Drugs”
Discover the Simple Step-by-Step Guide That Will Finally Help You Overcome Your Hip Replacement Pain!
Dear Hip Replacement Sufferer,
If you are interested in overcoming your hip replacement pain in a fast, simple, safe, and effective program that most health & fitness professionals don’t know about, or are doing wrong, then read this important letter.
Help for Your Hip Replacement Pain from Rick Kaselj:
My name is Rick Kaselj. I am an injuries expert and international presenter for effective exercises for injuries. I have written numerous articles that have appeared in newspapers and fitness magazines, have written leading exercise injury manuals, and have given over 315 presentations to more than 6,000 health and fitness professionals across Canada and the USA.

I’ve developed the Hip Replacement Handbook program to help you solve your hip replacement pain.
Hip Replacement Handbook is the result of 6 years of University study (including a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science), 19 years of hands-on experience, constant searching for the best hip replacement recovery techniques, and teaching these techniques to thousands of other fitness & health professionals who have then used them to help their clients – plus thousands of personal training sessions with injury and hip replacement clients, and the careful scrutiny of 50 medical research papers.
How this Whole Thing Came to Be……
This program is a result from my client, Jane.
Jane was one of my clients that I trained at the local community centre.
She was a spunky 73 year old (That is not a photo of her to the left.). As soon as anyone met her they could see her energy, smile and personality come through. She was spunky and a great person to be around and work with.
She came to me because she needed help. She just had a hip replacement, and was working on recovering from it but she was worried about a dream holiday she had coming up.
In 8-weeks she was off to Mexico on dream holidays and she was going to go to the Aztec ruins. While she was there she wanted to make sure she would be able to keep with her friends, walk about exploring things, climbing things and enjoy her holiday.
I said I could help her out.
Jane and I got to work. I put together a pain relieving exercise program together that she could do a the recreation centre or at home.
I gave her a 9-step program that worked on improving the mobility of her hip, strengthening of her hip, increase her balance and decrease her pain.
I went through the exercises showing her how to do the exercises correctly in order to have them help and not hurt her.
She committed to the program and the program delivered.
With every day her hip improved and by the end of the 8-weeks, she was ready for her trip.
While she was away she did send me a postcard (sorry I lost it) and she had an amazing time Mexico. She was able to explore things, climb and walk around without her hip slowing her down.
Just to give you an update on Jane, her hip replacement has not slowed her down. She is able to keep going, enjoying time with her family and friends and do other cool trips.
Now let me chat a little more about the program that I give her.
How this program will help you:
- You will be able to move your hip without worrying about your hip getting sore
- You will be able to walk without worrying about your hip throbbing afterwards
- You will end your hip replacement-related pain so you can stop spending all kinds of money on appointments and enjoy doing something fun instead
- You can go back to sports in order to create more fun memories with your friends and family
- You will be able to decrease your medication so you can spend your money on other stuff
- You will wake up restful and refreshed without having to worry about your hip replacement pain
Questions & Answers
Question: I have been told that I need to strengthen my kne in order to heal my hip replacement. Is this true?
Strengthening your leg is important, but it is not the first and only thing you need to do in order to overcome your hip replacement.
You also need to focus on the mobility of your hip, as well as another 8 components to fully overcome your hip replacement pain.
Question: Your program is a 12-week program. Why does your program take so long to work?
I need to be honest and realistic.
I want to say this program will help you in 7 days, and I know it will.
If you follow the 9-steps in the program (every day) and do the 13 things that will speed up your pain-free results, you will start feeling results right away.
In fact, I know your hamstring will feel better in 7 days if you follow this step-by-step program.
The reason why I say 12 weeks is because I know you want to overcome your hip replacement pain fully. It will take 12 weeks to do so.
I don’t want to give you a temporary fix; I want to give you long term hip replacement pain relief.
Long term hip replacement pain relief is what Hip Replacement Handbook offers.
Let me summarize what you will experience when you use Hip Replacement Handbook:
- On day 1 you will wonder if this stuff works, but you will have a decrease in hip replacement pain.
- On day 2 you will want to do more of the program and will feel your hip replacement pain decrease even more.
- On day 3 the program will be incorporated into your life and will only take a few minutes to continue decreasing your hip replacement pain.
- On day 4 you will wonder why you did not get this program sooner.
Question: I have a bunch of exercises that I have been given for my hip replacement. Should I do all of them?
Exercise is very important when it comes to recovery from hip replacement. Much more important than icing.
The problem with doing whatever exercise you find is that key components of a hip replacement recovery program are often missed.
Common areas that are missed include the correct number of repetitions, how long to do the exercises, what else will speed up your pain-free results and exercises that target mobility and hip stability.
Also, the order of the exercises is very important. Doing the exercises in the right order will increase their effectiveness. By doing the exercises in the right order, they build on each other to lead to even greater and faster pain-free results.
Question: Is this program just more exercises that I have to do?
No and yes!
Most fitness and health professionals take a shotgun approach to exercises for injuries. They keep giving you more and more exercises, hoping they will help.
I don’t do that.
I provide the least number of exercises that you need to do, in the right order and the correct amount, that cover all of the areas that need to be addressed in order to overcome your hip replacement surgery.
To be frank, I would stop all of your other exercises you are doing for your hip replacement and give this program a go for 7 days.
Here are the Benefits of The Hip Replacement Handbook Program:
- Explains the 9-steps of a pain-free exercise program you must do in order to overcome your hip replacement pain
- Shows you the correct order to do the hip replacement exercises in order to get greater pain relief
- Gives you ways of making the exercises easier or more challenging based on what you can do
- Gives you pain techniques you can start now, that will start to melt your hip replacement pain away
- You will discover the exercises “TO DO” and “NOT DO” if you have hip replacement
- You will learn common mistakes that people make with hip replacement exercises and how to avoid them
- Gives you clear and detailed explanations about the program and everything you need to know about hip replacement exercises
- Provides essential components of an exercise program to overcome your hip replacement
- Exposes inappropriate stretching and strengthening exercises that are making your hip replacement worse
- Includes videos that you can watch to make sure you are doing the exercise correctly and safely.
- You will get photos and videos of each of the exercise so you know you are doing them correctly and not going to re-injure yourself
- Reveals the most important movement you need to do in order to overcome your hip replacement (Step #5)
More Questions & Answers
Question: What is a Pain Relief Video Guide?
The Pain Relief Video Guide is the foundation of the program. I go into detail about what you need to know to better understand your injury, your options when it comes to your hip replacement, what to do and not do for hip replacement, key components of a hip replacement exercise program, and I go through the full 9-step program.
The Pain Relief Video Guide is just like you are with me in a session and I am explaining everything you need to know about the Hip Replacement Handbook program.
The Pain Relief Video Guide is a recorded video presentation that you can download to your computer, burn to a DVD, watch on your phone or view right off the internet, which takes you step-by-step through the program. You can download the video at work or at home and view it when it is convenient for you, even in the middle of the night.
Question: How does a Pain Relief Video Guide work?
After getting Hip Replacement Handbook, you will be directed to details on how to access the video guide and full program. You can then view and download the video guide. The instructions to view and download the video guide are easy to follow and quick to do. If you have any problems, contact me (support@exercisesforinjuries.com) and I will help you out.
Question: Do I have to watch the Video Presentation all at one time?
No, you can watch the video presentations whenever you would like (even at 3 am), at your own pace and re-visit any aspects of the video presentation when you like.
Question: Can I burn the Video Presentation onto a DVD?
Yes, you can!
You can download the video presentations to your computer and then burn the video presentations to a blank DVD.
This allows you to watch the video presentation on a DVD player at home, on your laptop, or on a different computer that has a DVD drive.
Question: Can I watch it on my phone or tablet?
The video guide is in a M4V format that you can view on your phone or tablet.
Question: Why do so many people prefer to learn through a Pain Relief Video Presentation?
Benefits of Learning Through a Pain Relief Video Presentation:
- You can watch the video at your own pace and go back to key points at your convenience
- You don’t have to take time off work and lose money in order to go to appointments or attend a course on hamstring injuries
- You can watch the video when it is convenient and best for you
- You can download the video presentation to your tablet, laptop, smart phone, iPhone, iPad and watch it whenever you have a moment
- You can learn the truth about hip replacement recovery from the convenience of your home
- You can view the video presentation on a PC or Mac
- You’ll have an affordable way of learning new, detailed and research-backed, solution-focused information on exercise and injuries
- No time is wasted driving or flying to appointments or courses
- No expensive and overpriced appointment fees; I explain everything you need to know about hamstring injuries and recovery
Question: I was surfing around the internet and found a bunch of hip replacement exercises. Will these help?
I have found a lot of stuff on the internet when surfing for hip replacement information.
What you will find on the web is information focusing on one component of a hip replacement program. As I mentioned above, there are 9-steps to a successful hip replacement pain-free program. The one component you find on the internet may be “strengthening.” There are still 8 other steps that need to be done in order to create a successful hip replacement recovery program plus another 10 things you can do to speed up your results.
Doing the exercises you find on the internet might lead to your hip replacement feeling better for a little while, but the pain will come back again or you will re-injure it, because most exercise programs are missing the other 8 components.
Plus, on the internet they will show you one exercise. They do not show you how to progress the exercise or exercise progressions. Progressions are important as they challenge your hamstring and help it continue to recover faster without re-injury.
Question: How long does it take to get my DVDs?
The cool thing is there is no wait.
You get the Hip Replacement Handbook right away.
After your order, you will instantly get access to the pain relief video guide, exercise manual and exercise videos.
You can download everything to your computer and get started right away. No waiting for anything in the mail.
What is in Hip Replacement Handbook?
Your Hip Replacement Handbook Program: |
Summarizing what you will get for $57 $37:
Regular Price $57 Online Price $37
Click here now to order the Hip Replacement Handbook Program for $57 $37
Helping you overcome your hip replacement pain,
Rick Kaselj, MS
Author of Hip Replacement Handbook
P.S. – There is NO RISK at all for you when you try the Hip Replacement Handbook. If you are not thrilled with how this program decreases your hip replacement pain, let me know and I will refund your order. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Rick Kaselj has been trusted by the largest fitness & rehabilitation associations in North America (NSCA, ACE, CanFitPro, BCRPA, BCAK, CKA, NHPC).
P.P.S – If you are sick and tired of not knowing what to do about your hip replacement, now you can find out. CLICK HERE to End Your Hip Replacement
P.P.P.S. – There’s only one catch to all this. You need to act now to get the complete package. I’ve been told this package is way too cheap now and the price will be going up very soon. Or, if I decide to keep the price the same, a few of the components may be removed at any time and put up for sale separately.
Regular Price $57 Online Price $37
Click here now to order the Hip Replacement Handbook Program for $57 $37.
NOTE: The Hip Replacement Handbook is a downloadable video and e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the video and e-book. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is M4V, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. If you have any questions or need help, you can contact us at support (at) ExercisesForInjuries.com.